2. 通信が遮断される可能性がある
「より強固なセキュリティモデルにより、受信した情報を正確に把握することができます」--Foundation Devices社
「QRコード通信を利用することで、マルウェア侵入のリスクを排除し、BluetoothやUSBでは実現できない透明性を実現しました」。-- キーストーン
"コールドウォレットからのデータ転送にはQRコードのみを使用し、QRコード形式は管理され、検証可能で透明性があります。"-- Ellipal
1. PSBTファイルは、人間が読めないバイナリ形式で保存されています。それらを開いて中身を確認することはできません。唯一の方法は、それらをビットコインウォレットに読み込むことです。つまり、悪意のあるデータを無効化する責任があるのは、またしてもウォレットなのです。
2. QRコードでは、同じ情報を視覚的に表現することができます。1つのQRコードでは取引が大きすぎるため、アニメーションのコードが使用されます。この場合も、人間が読み取れる情報ではないため、データを確認するために別のウォレットが必要です。
Supply chain vulnerability with attacker-controlled firmware (Coldcard, 2020/03)Allows flashing malicious firmware and reset to a compromised “factory” stateFurther reading by reporter, vendorAirgap does not help: physical attack vector
OP_RETURN treated as change output (Trezor, 2020/03)Allows to skip user confirmation, could affect level 2 protocols (e.g. Omni layer)Further reading by vendorAirgap does not help: transaction validation issue
Malicious Change in Mixed Transactions (Trezor, 2020/03)Change could be sent to a 1of2 multisig address, partially controlled by an attackerFurther reading by reporter (Shift Crypto), second report (2020/03), vendorAirgap does not help: transaction validation issue
Insufficient field size check (Trezor, 2020/03)Transaction containing a `prevhash` exceeding the expected 32 bytes could contain a hidden output sending funds to attackerFurther reading by vendorAirgap does not help: transaction validation issue
Inconsistent sanitization of transaction inputs (Trezor, 2020/03)Transaction with single-sig input and a 1of2 multi-sig output (partially controlled by an attacker) would be accepted without the appropriate user verification.Further reading by vendorAirgap does not help: transaction validation issue
Large Transaction fee via two Segwit transactions (all vendors, 2020/03)Malicious wallet could trick user into signing a Bitcoin transaction twice, e.g. by faking an error after first signing, asking the user to try again, and creating a transaction with a huge mining fee. Collaborating with a miner could allow access to these fees.Further reading by Shift Crypto, Ledger, Trezor, CoinkiteAirgap does not help: general verification design issue of BIP-143
JTAG/SWD enabled on unsecured processor (Ledger, 2020/06)The Ledger Nano X MCU had its debug interfaces enabled. This could effectively allow a supply chain attack, but not access to internal secrets.Further reading by reporter, vendorAirgap does not help: physical attack vector
Bitcoin derived fork/altcoins cross-account signing (Ledger / Trezor / Keepkey, 2020/08)User can be tricked into signing a Bitcoin transaction while the device shows testnet or altcoin details on screen.Further reading by reporter, Ledger, TrezorAirgap does not help: transaction validation issue
Bitcoin mainnet/testnet cross-account signing (Coldcard, 2020/08)User can be tricked into signing a Bitcoin mainnet transaction while the device shows testnet details on screen.Further reading by reporter (Shift Crypto), vendorAirgap does not help: transaction validation issue
Ransom attack on passphrase handling (Trezor/Keepkey, 2020/08)A wallet created with a passphrase on the host computer allows malware to use a different passphrase on the hardware wallet and hold all future funds ransom.Further reading by reporter (Shift Crypto), vendorAirgap does not help: passphrase must be entered or verified directly on device regardless of communication channel
Remote multisig theft attack (Coldcard, 2020/11)The device did not check if it was part of a newly created multisig wallet, allowing an attacker to trick the user to create an attacker-controlled multisig wallet.Further reading by reporter (Shift Crypto), vendorThis is a general wallet verification issue when receiving malicious data from an external coordinator or a 3rd party participant:- This vulnerability can be mitigated if the multisig wallet is set up fully by yourself, simply by passing a microSD card from hardware wallet to hardware wallet. This also holds true if the devices communicate with each other via QR codes or USB (although nobody implemented this yet).- Airgap does not help if the multisig wallet is set up with an external coordinator or with a different (malicious) person serving as a co-signer, even if the device is fully air-gapped.
Length-extension attack on SCP (Ledger, 2021/05)Allows an attacker to decrypt a block of application data and firmware updates, without any security impact (data is not secret and is publicly available).Further reading by vendorAirgap does not help: data can be read anywhere when downloading new firmware
2018年2月、独立系セキュリティ研究者でTREZORコントリビューターのSaleem Rashid氏が、TREZOR Oneが使用しているSTM32F205プロセッサのメモリ書き込み保護操作にセキュリティ脆弱性を発見し、当社の責任ある開示プログラムを通じて問題を開示しました。リンク
- "ファームウェアが本物かどうか"を疑う必要はないこと
- Bitcoin-onlyのファームウェアであれば、更新による脆弱性の増加は防げること
参考記事: Does airgap make Bitcoin hardware wallets more secure?(要約・省略あり)