Extreme Demon level in Geometry Dash
Knobbelboy designed, confirmed, and published Astral Divinity, a 2.1 solo Extreme Demon level that was once known as God Eater. On January 6, 2019 [1], knobbelboy confirmed the level's 'God Eater' rating. That same day, it was graded Epic-Extreme Demon. On June 26, 2019, the level was taken down from the Geometry Dash servers because of copyright violations involving the artwork. On December 22, 2019,[2], knobbelboy updated the copyrighted artwork, renamed the level "Astral Divinity," and reverified the snow rider 3d level. The same day, the level was once more rated Epic-Extreme Demon. High marks were given to Astral Divinity's graphics, however its performance and playability were criticized. GD Endy released an optimization update for the level on July 15, 2023, which decreased the object count from 294,675 to 147,432.[3] Past EventsThe first glimpse of God Eater was given to the public on March 3, 2017, when knobbelboy published a preview that included about 25% of the game's finished gameplay and aesthetics.[4] He released a second peek on April 16, 2017, more than a month later, showing off about thirty percent more of the finished gameplay and decoration.[5] The Geometry Dash community took to this instantly, calling it the greate

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